Leopard Hunting Safari in Namibia
Panthera pardus

The leopard is distinguished by its well-camouflaged fur, opportunistic hunting behaviour, broad diet, strength, and its ability to adapt to a variety of habitats ranging from rainforest to steppe, including arid and mountain areas. It can run at speeds of up to 58 km/h (36 mph).
It is muscular, with relatively short limbs and a broad head. Males stand 60–70 cm (23.6–27.6 in) at the shoulder, while females are 57–64 cm (22.4–25.2 in) tall. The head-and-body length ranges between 90 and 196 cm (2 ft 11.4 in and 6 ft 5.2 in) with a 66 to 102 cm (2 ft 2.0 in to 3 ft 4.2 in) long tail. Sizes vary geographically.[26] Males weigh 37–90 kg (81.6–198.4 lb), and females 28–60 kg (61.7–132.3 lb).
The leopard is a solitary and territorial animal. Adults associate only in the mating season. Females continue to interact with their offspring even after weaning, and have been observed sharing kills with their offspring when they can not obtain any prey. They produce a number of vocalizations, including growls, snarls, meows and purrs
Males occupy territories that often overlap with a few smaller female territories, probably as a strategy to enhance access to females.
A Leopard hunt in Namibia is a very patient game. A hunter must be skilled and be mentally fit as the test one in ever way possible. Namibia produces some of the best Leopard with only a limited few tags each year